Here’s the second set of experiences shared by Austin Yesplus participants. (You have read the first part, haven’t you? The question we asked Yesplus graduates was “Tell me the most important reason why someone should do Yesplus.”)
First stress release. Second much better concentration in study. — Keya
They’ll learn why it is important to be vegetarian. I believe this is the unique thing about Yesplus. In none of the other courses do we have a debate about being a vegetarian or not… recently I have been reading so many books about connecting meat and cancer, that I believe that Yes!+ has awesome knowledge to be offered on this front. — Ramkumar
E-N-E-R-G-Y. One would realize his/her true potential with this course. — Geetha
My top most reason will be Sudarshan Kriya. — Nitin Satarkar
To get the right directions to solve everyday problems. — Shreya Joshi
To observe the self deep within and develop skills for handling people and situations in a positive frame of mind along with breathing techniques that help in achieving the above. — Uthra
Following are my reasons: 1. For rejuvenation 2. To understand how one should control his emotions (esp. temper) 3. For teamwork 4. Giving importance on helping the needy 5. To learn different techniques of yoga 6. This one is for you and Anoop. You guyz are one of the big reason as you were really good teachers.
— Kareem Fazal
Because it can be an AMAZING experience for you that can help you change your outlook on life and help you lead a more positive, stress-free life! — Arjun Adapalli
Yesplus brings more fun in your life,opportunity to see the world in a different perspective and lets you experience and understand what SEVA is…
— Sandhya
To become more aware. — Blaine
Raj had more then a sentence to share.
I’ve to say more than one reason.
Do you want to be more enthusiastic in life?
Do you want to have a clear mind?
Do you want to be successful in career or school?If YES then do Yesplus. — Raj
My top most reason why someone should do Yesplus – soul searching process. — Nancy Ng
I feel deeply relaxed with Kriya which gives me lot of motivation. One more fact I liked about YesPlus course, few things though we are aware of, but we will never follow, YesPlus brings us to a whole new level of understanding. — Sowjanya
Yesplus is a fun course and meant for anyone who wants to learn knowledge without being said. — Mamta
I think the top reason to do Yesplus would be to take an AOL course with people who are facing similar challenges in life that are common to a narrow youth age group. — Kieran
With the new knowledge and techniques you are able to quiet your mind which helps reduce stress and anxiety. — Elizabeth Draughon
The number one reason that I feel someone should do Yesplus is to unlock the deep sense of belongingness, peace, joy and freedom that exists in all of us, whether we realize it or not. Yesplus allows you to brighten your inner light, embrace your ideal Self and make lifelong friends.
— Katie Walsh
Ritesh had more then a sentence to share.
I would say that the top most reason to take YesPlus is for happiness! The happiness derived from the Sudarshan Kriya and knowledge / activities shared during the course is like a kick-start to being happy, joyful, and energetic. With your distractions clear from your mind, you can help others and achieve so much more from life with greater concentration &/ focus.
Since the course, I’ve become a Big Brothers Big Sisters Volunteer and feel like I’m making an impact in my “little’s” life. Such a wonderful gift for the both of us!
– Ritesh Sheth
Stress reduction. — Kishore Paidimarri
1. Its one of the funnest courses. You will have a blast.
2. Experiential so you know what the course point means.
3. Can’t get the concentration breath in any other course.
– Lakshmi DamerlaYes plus infuses you with positive energy and helps you explore your life in a way that makes you a stronger, happier, and more capable person. — Vishaal Sapuram
In my opinion, Yes+ gives people the perspective of being mindful of every moment. — Bhawna Sharma
Once again, Thank you to everyone for responding and sharing your experience.
Join us and experience Yesplus for yourself. We have a Yesplus workshop in Austin Sept 15-19. To find a course near you, visit