We all are aware of the battle against corruption going on in India, where a renowned Gandhian Anna Hazare has taken up to fast until death to force the government to pass a strong legislation against corruption. One of the days in the ongoing Bhagavatam class, senior teacher Rajima asked us to fast for a day in support of this cause. The following is an account of how Elaine Filion managed to do it with her family (two lovely poodles, Scott and Red).
Dear Rajima,
Thank you for sharing the information about the man in India who is fasting in an effort to put a stop to corruption.Corruption is such a serious issue but I believe in the spirit of love we can counter this evil .I have not fasted for anything more than a blood test for 50 years until today.Thank you for encouraging us to do this.I have done it with the purest of intentions.To go a step farther,as you know I have two small poodle dogs.They are very dear to me.I ask them this morning to fast with me.They usually beg for treats when I am working on my computer,but this morning after the first whimper I ask them to be good and not beg.Within a few minutes they went to another room to lie down.I also picked up their gravity food bowl but of course left the water.I am convinced that St Francis,the patron saint of animals must have been whispering to them as through out the day there was not one demand for a treat or food.It is very refreshing to have witnessed this marvel and I can certainly testify that most creatures great and small are willing to sacrifice to help.
To further get my point across,I have enclosed this picture of the poodle looking at the treat but not touching it.
Elaine Filion
Your humble student
Austin TX
PS: Rajima mentioned that, with the support of the poodles, this time we will make it happen and yes it happened.
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