Monday, June 14, 2010

YES+ - We participated, We played, We learned and We had fun

For a long time I had been asking my good buddies Anoop and Shraddha that I want to write about their efforts in making YES+ happen and appreciate their efforts in energizing the YES+ team. They always told me to do the course and then you can write and my excuse was, when you teach by yourselves, I will think about doing it. 

YES+ as it is advertised is the Art of Living Course (basic course, part-1) but designed and modified with youth in mind. Since I wear the old timer hat with the Art of Living organization and I have done quite a few part-1 or basic courses, I did not feel the need to the YES+ course. Basically, what is the point in drinking the same medicine in a new bottle  So, I was pretty reluctant to enroll myself and whenever the course was announced I was thinking of my excuses. Finally the time came last week and I was enrolled into it without me actually wanting to do so and at the end of 6 grueling days and 28hrs later, I am glad I did it and I am proud to call myself a YES+ graduate. 

The course is a complete package in itself, it has the seva, the sadhana and the satsang (for the purists, I mean company of the good). There are more practicals than theory, the processes/events in the course stir up emotions in you and at the same time you are given the tool to handle it. It brought out the leaders in us and at the same time taught us the very important lesson of life "TO HAVE FUN and ENJOY THE GAME". It was physically demanding (not as much as advertised though). Other courses try to teach the lessons and this course makes you learn the lesson. All done in a fun filled and happy environment. I wouldn't sugar coat and say it was all goody goody, on the weekdays, sessions were long and tiring but definitely not boring. I can't say anymore without giving out the course itself.   

For a good course we need 3 things, good venue, good participation and good teachers. This course had it all, everybody gave their 100% and no holding back. The teachers truly led us from the front, they always were there before us and had the place ready for us to start. Some of us knew that they were teaching for the first time but none of us could say they were novice.   

In the end I felt the course is advertised in a wrong way, it has parts and elements from the other courses like any other course taught under Art of Living umbrella but in the core it is completely different. In short, it is not the part-1 course targeted towards people in the age group 18-30, it is a course that anybody can do as long they are willing to be physically a bit active.  

If the above writing did not convince you to come join the upcoming YES+ course, then here is the carrot. There is a very important meditation that they teach during the course that is not taught in any other Art of Living course.  

The post wont be complete without thanking behind the scene volunteers who got us food every day. Special thanks to Bawa and Dinesh for designing this course. 

Anoop and Shraddha, you guys rocked. Keep the good times rolling.      


Ganesh said...

Awesome Manjax :)

Love your writing...

Anonymous said...

su vaat che dikro - wah wah! shabaash!!!!

Anonymous said...

"Other courses try to teach the lessons and this course makes you learn the lesson"

- this is so true... yes+ is more about implementing the knowledge.

I enjoyed your post :)


Priya said...

I agree with Manju...I was coming up with all sorts of excuses to do the course and was glad that I did the course when I finally took the plunge! The entire course is beautifully designed like a game - a game that lasts 6 days and teaches you the strategies to win any other game in life...and even if you lose a game here n there, heck! the course also teaches you how to deal with it! Anoop and Shraddha were simply awesome! And the food each night was heavenly...especially since Arrow was out to the silence course, I got a niceee break from cooking!

But how is this different from the Art of Living Course? Well, time to find out for yourself! :-)

Anonymous said...

I agree with you, Manju -- YES!+ is in no way Part-1 for youth. It is a whole new course.

I always used to say that the wisdom in Art of Living Course is practical and experiential -- with the YES!+ it takes the experience to a whole different level!

And, yes, Shraddha and Anoop are awesome teachers!